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John C.

Track Supervisor (ret.)  1955-1991.


  “I was a Track worker then a maintenance

supervisor  during my 36 years at the subway. 

We were always playing pranks on the rookies. We’d load them

up with 100-year-old stories of the ghost conductor Jack Novak

who we’d say still walked the rails and of the people who disappeared and reappeared decades later. (Pause) Thing is, the stories were true. Us old guys were there. We saw things.”



Kris Gartland, Former Paranormal Investigator,

SyFy’s “Ghostbusters” 

“There’s a lot of history in those 100 year old tunnels,            

 figured we’d find something there. We put our equipment    

in several areas of the subway system. But it was the               

decommissioned east side tunnels and the old Worth             

Street station where we detected the highest levels of             

paranormal readings. Specifically evidence of a time slip,      

which is the experience of a person slipping in and out of a  

place and time. I think that’s what has happened there           

to a number of people over decades.”                                         



David Schifter

Former TV news investigative reporter


  "I spent 15-years digging up stories and helping people when I worked for

TV stations around the United States at both the local and network level.

Now I want to tell a story that’s haunted me since I was a kid growing up

here in New York. I’ve always been intrigued with the old subway stations

that are no longer on the map. The ones the trains skip today but you can

still catch a glimpse of as your train rattles by. It’s one in particular.....lower

Manhattan’s  Worth Street station and the rumors of the almost thirty

people who vanished without a trace in a time slip".

Click below to find out how you can help expose decades of silence within the New York City subway. As we reveal the people who were literally lost in an unexplained haunted portal.

The Last Stop

  If you've been here before...

you can never leave.

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